Wednesday, December 26, 2012

All about the vintage

vintage Cal sport jecket.Made by Champion.For sale
Levi's pilot denim jacket.For sale

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finally peace,dead

However u gone,but u go to and live in a peace world,finally.

in the D-land

Just found out, the photo uploaded to here,the quality turns bad...Nvm,just a blog.

Photo as a Word

One day,no word,just photo.In SF.I love to live in the small street in the SOMA area.
Calm in the noise,but not far from the city.

Fuji Track 2.0,When can I get one belong me

First Time I saw it,it was 2011 in the InterBike Expo.One year past,I am still looking for it.Why no 53cm,frame set only,noooo completed bike. T T

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sou. Cal.

Been to L.A in Thanksgiving weekends.Everything looks like a dream,but can not stay sad. 南加总给人的感觉一股莫名的清新。与北加州相比,这个地方似乎每天都在上演变换莫测的戏剧,难道,这就是Hollywood精神?!

Brake the Rule,so simple

终于入手Sebago X Ronnie Fieg这双梦寐以求的鞋款。帆船鞋(boat shoe),一直给人一种老练成熟的感觉,但当你厌倦了一种街头服饰搭配,也许,你应该迈向休闲成熟风格。Ronnie Fieg打破帆船鞋一贯的厌倦视觉,加上北美独有的印地安风格,在不变的风格中打破一个缺口,确衔接完美。photo by Anson Xue